Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A departure from the normal...

My observation of a 30-something-year-old who's continuous childish antics has me reassessing what constitutes childish behaviors.  I'd like to share a post from a blog that I follow:

Childish vs. childlike
Childlike makes a great scientist.
Childish produces tantrums.
Childlike brings fresh eyes to marketing opportunities.
Childish rarely shows up as promised.
Childlike is fearless and powerful and willing to fail.
Childish is annoying.
Childlike inquires with a pure heart.
Childish is merely ignored.

(Posted by Seth Godin, 11/05/10 from


1 comment:

  1. Being somewhat older than a GenXer, I was curious to see what was happening in the mind of a youngster who took the initiative to start their own blog when I happened upon WWJD. Of course, I suspected a religious website and was ready to take on the zealous right wing religious conservatives who are poised to ruin this country with their bigotry and self-centered economic policies. What a relief to read the insights of a younger, less jaded mind until I happened upon Seth's behavioral analysis of WWJD. Mr. Godin, thank you for sharing your definitions of childish and childlike, but I'm somewhat baffled as to who YOU are and why YOU feel as though YOU are the one to define the behavior of VivaLaGenX. If you didn't like what you saw when you happened upon WWJD, why didn't you just go happily upon your way and leave well enough alone? Why did you feel compelled to take the time to insult a GenXer who is simply exercising their right to express themselves? They may do so in a manner that you find childish, but as an older person, I long to be both childish and childlike again. Are you going to hold that against me? I think judgmental is worse than childish, especially when someone is exercising their legal right to free speech. I visited your site referenced above and found it to be self indulgent with its advertising and "better than thou" preaching. Please, enjoy the views and childish/childlike antics of others. You might just learn the true meaning of WWJD. I plan on staying tuned in hopes that WWJD flourishes with fresh, new insight as to how to face the challenges we ALL face, the adventures we ALL take in life, and the fresh perspective of VivaLaGenX and others who long for a place to share their childish and childlike rantings and ravings. Long live WWJD!
